Common Core Algebra 1 Unit 5 Homework Norah Downald Tweak
The Better Math Teaching Network (BMTN) is a networked improvement community of researchers, teachers, and instructional leaders from New England who are working toward the common goal of increasing the number of students who are deeply and actively engaged in understanding algebra. We use student-centered instructional techniques focused on three specific forms of engagement: making deep mathematical connections, justifying and critiquing mathematical thinking, and solving challenging problems. As a networked improvement community, we use principles of improvement science to develop, test, refine, and share promising instructional routines throughout the network. Presenters will describe BMTN, its grounding in improvement science, and discuss learnings and opportunities for collaboration as the network continues to expand.
Common Core Algebra 1 Unit 5 Homework norah downald tweak
As many educators are discovering, Common Core State Standards pose particular challenges for English-language learners in both language arts and mathematics, and yet the standards documents themselves provide little guidance for how teachers can help their ELLs meet the new objectives. In this webinar, veteran teachers Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski, authors of the forthcoming Navigating the Common Core With English Language Learners, will offer practical guidance on integrating the standards into instruction for ELLs. The authors will discuss research and developments in ELL education, examine the standards in depth with eye towards challenges and opportunities for ELL students, and provide targeted scaffolding techniques and instructional activities. The goal will be to give attendees a better understanding of how and when to adapt instruction under the common core to the particular needs of English-learners.
The Common Core State Standards and aligned tests have brought a momentous change to the way students with severe cognitive disabilities are assessed. Two federally-funded consortia, Dynamic Learning Maps and the National Center and State Collaborative, have been tasked with creating alternate assessments for this small population of students with widely diverse needs. The consortia are also working with teachers on developing common-core-based lesson plans that are appropriate for students with cognitive impairments. Join Neal Kingston, the project director for DLM, and Rachel Quenemoen, the project director for NCSC, as they discuss their approaches to assessing these students and the challenges and opportunities presented by this work.