Buy Old Barn Doors
We offer one piece track lengths up to 20' with RLP's own bracket design and color combinations. We now have in stock complete track assemblies in both the flat track and our proprietary design V track; be sure to compare some of the unique advantages that our track offers in our online store. This is the best place to buy quality sliding barn doors and track hardware. Take advantage of great discounts when combining track with the barn door; check out both and get a discount! This is the best place to buy our sliding barn door, and do you want to buy the most versatile sliding sliding track kits system made such as our horseshoe hanger flat track barn door hardware. For difficult applications where one has limited space or headroom over their door opening, our mini V track is the perfect solution which requires only a 2" gap over the top of the sliding door. If you have a 3" space over the door slab, and need the best quality, smoothest operating, and strongest solution than choose our heavy duty V track.
buy old barn doors
Large Shiplap Weathered Gray Door4'9"x7'Beautiful weathered gray shiplap barn door with rusty hook and eye strap hinges. This door could possibly be narrowed and hung from a track but it would change the back view. Could also be combined with the one below for a double door set.Item # CSdoor1 Pickup only.Price $299.25
Large Shiplap Weathered Gray Door4'7"x7'Beautiful weathered gray shiplap barn door with rusty hook and eye strap hinges. This door could possibly be narrowed and hung from a track but it would change the back view.Item # CSdoor2 Pickup only.Price $288.75
Small Barn Door42" x 48"We got these real nice cute small doors perfect for a game table or a couples dinning table. We have found many coats of Tung oil finish will give these the desired finish and be pretty durable. That type of finish will wear as you use it but you do not have to do anything but and another coat as long as you don't wax it. This is a real nice solid reclaimed barn door. If it is not marked sold we still have it. Item # JC42x48doorPickup only.Price $140.00
Small Barn Door42" x 48"We got these real nice cute small doors perfect for a game table or a couples dinning table. We have found many coats of Tung oil finish will give these the desired finish and be pretty durable. That type of finish will wear as you use it but you do not have to do anything but and another coat as long as you don't wax it. This is a real nice solid reclaimed barn door. If it is not marked sold we still have it. Item # JC48x48doorPickup only.Price $160.00
Rustic Reclaimed Barn Door 33.5" x 5'9"This is an old hinged barn door that has sagged a bit from years of use and no cross brace on the back. With some effort we are sure it could be straightened and braced if desired or leave the natural character of it for the costs. Slight gray accent color makes this a good choice for many decors.Item # door68Pickup only.Price $120.00
Oak Barn Door41" x 5'6"A nice original heavy oak barn door. A real pretty grain and bleeding nails this would make a perfect outdoor table. It is white oak and the gaps would allow water to drain keeping it rot free for many years of enjoyment. Item # door70Pickup only.Price $100.00
Authentic Brown Board Barn Door3'4"x6'3"This authentic barn door is over 1" thick and has all the character you look for in a rustic reclaimed barn door. Rollers work and 8' track available for an additional $35.00Item # bd60adbb Pickup only.Price $245.00SOLD!
Barn Door Dining TableThis table has been hand crafted from an authentic reclaimed interior barn door out of Michigan. Original square cut nails, as well as hinges have left this table top with the character you would expect to see from a 100 year old barn. The reflection of a working barn shows on the rope marks left on the hand picked legs specially chosen for this dining area table.Size is 42"x58"Item # bd102abdtPickup only. Price $700.00
The Barnyard Boys provide customers with timeless antique treasures and reclaimed barn wood of all species. Our selection of rustic barnwood, vintage antiques, architectural items, sliding barn doors, custom furniture, reclaimed materials, and more has been used by homeowners, builders, and in commercial spaces.
Reclaimed Wood Barn Doors make for a great addition to any room. The natural colors and the beautiful patina of reclaimed wood bring so much warmth to a space. We build custom barn door in any size!
As the moving parts of your barn, windows and doors may require more maintenance than other features, but their repair will be much less expensive than buying replacements. Fixing windows and doors makes a good "rainy day" project, when you have time to disassemble and adjust the partsthat keep these features working.
Before the mid-nineteenth centurymost barns had at least one pair of large wagon doors on long strap hinges,as well as smaller hayloft doors and doors for people. After 1850 farmersbegan installing sliding doors supported by wheels on a track. Over time,more and more windows were added for light and ventilation, making choreseasier and animals healthier. Often each horse stall had its own window,cow stables a row of small windows, and chicken coops large windows ontheir south walls.
Doors are often damagedby heavy use. First check hinges, latches, and sliding tracks to seeif they need to be adjusted or reset with longer or new screws. Damagedboards along outside or bottom edges of doors can be patched or replacedusing new boards (that match the existing if possible). In buildings thathave settled or sagged due to structural problems doors often rub or jamat the bottom or jump off their tracks. Repairing structural problems andjacking up the building may solve door problems. Moving the sliding trackor trimming the door itself are last resorts if other methods have failed.
Windows may have brokenglass, deteriorated glazing, or problems with the wooden sash and frame.Replacing or patching decayed, broken or missing pieces of the sash andframe may require taking apart the window. Fortunately most windows aremade for this. New or recycled glass may be installed with new glazingputty. (Remember to apply boiled linseed oil as a preservative to the woodbefore glazing.) When painting windows, try to draw a line of trim enamelalong the edges of the panes overlapping 1/16 of an inch onto the glassto seal out water. When scraping away excess paint, leave this amount ofoverlap rather than scraping into the glazing putty. When needed, replacement"barn sash" that matches the original can be ordered from lumberyardcatalogs or local woodworkers.
New window and door openingsdramatically change the historic appearance of a barn and should beadded only if needed. New windows and doors should be of a size, proportion,and type similar to existing windows and doors. They should be placed andspaced so that they fit in with the existing pattern of door and windowopenings and do not call attention to themselves.
The cows would never recognize their old home. The massive barn on North Kangaroo Lake Road, just off Hwy. 57 south of Baileys Harbor, was part of the former Noelck Dairy when the family of the late Florian Kwaterski bought it in 1929, the year Florian was 10.
For much of the later years of the 20th century, the dairy barn stood abandoned. Most of the surrounding acreage had been sold, and there was no longer a use for huge old barns. It was in rough shape when Steve Wadzinski, CEO of Pecard Chemical Co. in Green Bay, bought it in 1989. Also an artist and an architect, he had been the first executive director of the Peninsula Art School and had a vision of encouraging and fostering artists in Door County.
So the transformation is complete. Just what does a businessman from Omaha want with an old dairy barn in Wisconsin? Partly for a vacation home that Gordon and Jane hope their family will enjoy for generations. And also as a site for the unique business Gordon began in 2007.
The size of the average barn door makes it an excellent choice for a rustic, charming headboard. Even the least weather-proof old door can be turned into a statement piece for your bedroom. A simple paint or stain job and some headboard mounting hardware make this a project you can complete in an afternoon.
Not every barn door needs to be used in one piece. A barn door can be converted into a set of stylish shutters for inside or outside your home without much hassle. Whether you choose to use hinges and set up exterior shutters or install handsome sliding shutters inside, these window coverings are a great way to add some country charm to your home.
Our barnwood products are renewable resources. The dimensions of our products come in a variety of widths and lengths. Larger sizes are ideal for beams, counter tops, posts, stairs, and railing systems. Our prices are only a fraction of the cost elsewhere.
Talk to our staff about the design you envision so that we can start with construction at the soonest possible time. Our team has expertise in wood species, barnwood design, and construction. Count on us to deliver the exact results you described to us.
Forever Barnwood has an eye for all things natural. The members of our team grew up with an appreciation for outdoor culture, and we want to reflect the warmth of that natural beauty into interior design. So our Wisconsin barnwood shop handcrafts products made from renewable resources. 041b061a72